
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Final Days of Fighting Poverty in Belize

I can't believe how fast time flies. This past year and half of this blog has offered us a space to share our experiences with whoever decides to visit our page. More importantly, it has offered us a place to share our thoughts with ourselves. It has been a reminder to take a moment and reflect on the amazing things we have done, the people we have met, and the knowledge we have gained.

It is so bittersweet to be leaving. Today marks the end of this 11 month adventure and it is sad to to say goodbye to people and places that we have come to really love and have been a huge part in the people we have become. At the same time, we are so excited to be returning home, to figuring out what lies ahead. We have been opened up to so many new insights and perspectives and opportunities and it has really expanded what we thought was possible for our lives. Where before we were restricted to the narrow views of what life "should" be, we are now brave enough to open ourselves to all possibilities. We are ready to explore and create and participate and live a life that is truly ours, that makes us happy.

This time tomorrow we will be on a plane headed for Colorado, where new beginnings and long awaited reunions await us. With this comes the life of FightingPovertyIn Belize... as we end this experience, this blog that has served us well comes to an end as well. But don't fret! It too is only undergoing a transformation. It will continue to follow us in our adventures, taking on new roles and new meaning, just as our lives do too. Look forward to changes in appearance and in the URL but expect just as much love and attention. We will keep posted about these changes as they unfold.

For now, Adios! Colorado... Here we come!

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