
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Catching up!

It has been a while since I have written anything, not because there is nothing to say. In fact is the exact opposite. There have been so many emotions, so many things going on- I haven't found the time to organize it all in my mind enough to share it.
Coming back to the states was amazing- as our flight landed in Chicago Brian and I both almost cried. Finally we have returned to our home land! Please don't mistake our deep love for our home and our families for us not enjoying our time in Belize. Truly- this was such an incredible experience and I feel so blessed to have been able to live in Otoxha and have all of the challenges I had, to know all of the people I met, and to learn all of the things I learned. Yes, throughout it all we couldn't wait to get home! This is because we love our families dearly and it was incredibly difficult to go through everything without being able to lean on them for support or love. However, in their absence, Brian and I learned how to depend more on ourselves and on one another. We have really grown as individuals, have overcome obsticles we never thought we would have to face, have discovered how strong we really are and have become even stronger. As a couple we did the same. We supported one another through incredible times of both  utter happiness and pure misery. We were there for each other when we were so sick we thought we might just die up in the jungles of Belize, or wished that we did just to end the pain; we laughed together, cried together, explored together, learned together, and grew together. We became different people, better people, alone and together.

Now we are back in the states and we have Colorado in our eyes.. we can't wait to be reunited with our home and our families. It has been difficult to adjust to being back however. In my dreams I dreamt of being home back to where everything was exactly how I remembered it. Of course this was naive because while I am out on crazy adventures the rest of the world doesn't just stand still. Everything is always changing. But now I am here, a different person but expecting to enter back into the same world, and realizing it is not so. Now I am having to adapt, to catch up. I am trying to learn what the world that I left is like now and how the new person I have become can fit in. What is my role now? Where do I belong? What do I do with this knowledge and experience and understanding that I have gained?

Heavy huh?

In the midst of all of this processing, life back at IICD is busy as always. Our team has been preparing to leave on a nother adventure. Tomorrow morning we will go to Milwaukee to attend Indian Summer Festival, the biggest powow in the country to talk to people about our experiences and pass out information about the new programs offeref. From there we will head to Madison where we will continue to the same promotions at the capitol where people are still standing strong in solidarity for their rights. Then we will leave Wisconsin and head to Chicago where we will visit the stores and the people we met during our fundraising trip before Belize. From Chicago we will travel to Atlanta to do the same thing, stopping in Louisville for a couple of nights to promote there and to take break the long drive a bit. Phew.

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