
Monday, October 18, 2010

Our Last Days

One week from today we will be on a plane, heading to Michigan where we will "officially" begin our adventure.! Although that is how I keep referring to it, this past year was really the beginning. From researching different programs to finally deciding on this one and then having phone interview after phone interview to make sure we knew what we were getting into, to fundraising and planning, it has been almost 2 years. And now we are down to the wire.
We are spending these last few days packing and cleaning and figuring out what we can fit into our suitcases and what we can stuff into boxes to be shipped out. We are gathering our cold weather gear for Michigan and at the same time, laying out our moisture wicking clothes and our bottles of sunscreen for when we go to Belize. We are also trying to get in time with our friends and family and the places and activities we will miss the most. I for one, planned out my families dinner menu for the week, filling it with my favorite comfort foods: home-made mac 'n' cheese, curry, homemade soup, and I'm going to make some home-made Argentinian Empanadas. Mmmm.
I am so excited and so scared, I'm just ready to get there! We are giving up everything we know and are used to in our lives to go to something completely new and different. Even in Michigan we will be in a different state, in different living conditions, eating different foods, and being around people who all speak languages other than English.
Last week Brian kept saying, this is our second to last Wednesday here, this is our second to last Thursday...
Now, we are on our last days! The official countdown has begun! Michigan, adventure, challenge, Here We Come!!

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