
Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Daily Doings at IICD

Here is a little glimpse of what our daily schedule is like:

Monday-Friday we have breakfast at 8 am, Saturday is at 9, and Sunday we have brunch at 11.
At 8:30 During the week we have morning program- each of the team leaders and teachers take turns with this and they cover various topics. On Fridays instead of having a presentation, we have a community meeting. This is where we figure out who is doing what for school Friday and address any questions, debates, issues, or suggestions that pertain to the whole community.
At 9:30 we do MOBS- I am not sure what this stands for but basically it is 30 min of cleaning. Everyone gets assigned a task for the week from cleaning the bathrooms, or the classrooms, to tending to the garden or emptying the compost pile.
At 10 on Monday-Friday is work time and this lasts until 1. On Saturday is GAIA day, where we work on things for the environment or to make our buildings more efficient and sustainable.
At 1 we have lunch everyday and afterwards we go back to work until 5. On Friday's we have school days where we work on projects to fix up the school. this takes place in the after lunch instead of the usual work time.
At 5 work time is over and we have Sports time, basically it is free time but sometimes Anthony, one of the teachers holds aerobic classes and if its nice people go outside and play soccer or basketball.
A 7 we have dinner and then we have an evening program which can be a movie or documentary, language classes, a debate, or just free time.
Sundays are our free days!! Woo-hoo! Groups can suggest different activities and go out to a movie, or out to eat, or whatever people want to do!
So, are you confused and/ or overwhelmed?? ME TOO! I'm sure by next week I will be a little more used to it but there are CONSTANTLY changes to this schedule. For instance, this week, we had community meeting today instead of tomorrow and Saturday we are going to a local church to cook and serve food to the homeless community rather than doing the GAIA day. I am looking forward to this activity- I am going to be writing an article about it for the November newsletter! Brian will be writing an article in the newsletter as well so we will be sure to post it on here once it comes out!

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