
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

HPP/IICD Programs (Part 2)

Schools for Children
Throughout Africa, Humana People to People has set up primary schools. In many African countries children have no access to an education. In HPP style they round up the community to build schools for their children.

The children are taught at national educational standards as well as being taught vocational skills. The students are taught discipline and self-empowerment within democratic organs such as Student Councils which usually meet weekly. The students learn to become self sustainable by building gardens and having to take care and keep clean the facilities they use.

The students are taught sex education with emphasis on HIV/AIDs education and prevention. The children put on cultural events such as plays to educate and entertain their respective communities. Many of the children attending the schools are orphans because their parents have died from the disease, they are provided room and board.

Along with cultural events the children do physical activities such as various sport teams.

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