
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fundraising: Finished, Tickets: Booked!

Yes it is true. After a long and trying journey, Team Parrot officially finished our fundraising as of Saturday!! Woo Hoo! We decided to stay around Dowagiac for our last weekend because we were so close to finishing and because we are running short on time to finish other important tasks. It was very successful, booking our first Wal Mart and Sams Club we took over the Niles, Mishawaka area and finished our goal and even managed to raise over $500 to use at our projects in Belize!!

Also during this time we have been preparing our investigation period: deciding what countries to visit, making appointments for vaccines, checking on visas, etc. And we officially purchased our tickets!! We will fly out of Chicago and into Nicaragua in 2 WEEKS!!! AHHHH!!!! Yesterday we went as a team to finish buying supplies we need and between that and knowing that we can finally put fundraising behind us, it is really starting to feel real. We are really going!

Today we went and got our vaccines (so much fun!) which included Typhoid Fever and Hepatitis A, as well as our prescription for Malaria medication. Those pharmaceutical companies must really love people who travel and the doctors that are so good at scaring them into needing all different kinds of shots and medications.

Now our focus is all on finishing up the plans for our investigation. Wednesday night we have to present to all of the teachers and talk about where we will be going, what the headline for our investigation is, what our budget is, etc. Then the teachers can give us input to help us get the most out of our time. We will be sure to post our presentation of our plans once it is finished! The plan is of course more of a general outline, as we know and invite this time to be somewhat open so that we can feel free to go along the journey as it comes. Who knows what kind of people and organizations and adventures we will face once we are down there!

We are super busy for these last 2 weeks here with a lot of studies, presentations, and preparations to be done! Keep checking back as we count down our last days in the US!!

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