
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

An Emotional Review of "The War on Democracy"

I am writing this as assigned by Anthony (Team Leader) to reflect on the “War On Democracy” a documentary hosted and written by John Pilger. Please don't read this if you can't take the truth of who's behind world imperialism.

It was the second time had seen the documentary and both times I want to explode by the end of it. The documentary exposes over and over again the enemy of democracy, the U.S. It shows and details a few examples of U.S. backed coups since the 1950’s, the total of documented coups are 50. Nearly every single Latin American country has had foot soldiers on the ground protecting “national interests” if CIA jackals can’t do the job. As Duane Claridge the CIA director in the 1980’s said ‘if our (economic) interests are threatened we’ll do it (overthrow the government).’ This was in response to John Pilgers question in which he asked if the U.S. would overthrow a democratically elected government which didn’t support U.S. business interests.

Duane bumbled like a fat idiot through much of the interview lying and sneaking behind lies in which he has probably said so many times that he actually believes. At one point he said the U.S. backed and love dictator Pinochet of Chile didn’t kill thousands of people he said maybe a few hundred and he continued denying the use of wide spread torture. I thought to myself wow this is like Iran denying the holocaust!

Another woman on the interview was a nun and in Guatemala during the Civil War which saw unspeakable horrors. Of course the rebels torturing and raping and massacring had learned their tactics in the School of America (a U.S. military training facility established to overthrow Latin American governments (no sarcasm, literally)). An American nun named Diane Rita was imprisoned, tortured then gang raped by the soldiers, one of the soldiers raping her she recognized because she obviously had seen him before, he was the leader and an American. But I can’t get to much into Guatemala the atrocities committed there are to much to reminisce about now, I bet less then a percent of Americans realize the genocide committed their and for a good reason. Anyways she said she hears from people often that Abu Ghraib was an isolated incident, she commented “Are we on the same planet Is history taught in the classroom.” The answer is no of course. This reminds me of a older man I met who contributed to me during fundraising, he was a missionary who was in Guatemala during that period. He told me one day he ran for his life up a volcano while the village population was being massacred by a death squad. Later he heard on the radio that Marxist rebels had murdered many people in a rural village, it turns out it wasn’t but it was American backed and supplied death squads. Of course this may seem like oh maybe this just happens sometimes and orders are ignored but listen to this. An American former School of the Americas trainer who came out after a number of years and confessed to what he taught there said he schooled the students on how to murder, torture, kill and threaten families and if the people still weren’t on the same murderous capitalistic wave length as the U.S. “you assassinate them with death squads.”

That is enough said for now I may go further into the horrors committed by this government so we can buy cheap bananas in the U.S. and keep people like Warren Buffet fat but this is so exhausting on the mind and soul so good night. This was only a short review of the documentary. Also to watch the documentary free go to it’s the best way to make up your own mind.

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