
Friday, April 1, 2011

Praxis and Goodbye to the U.S.

Last night in IICD Michigan and my beautiful homeland the U.S.A. I want to take this time to explain my intentions and philosophy I will bring to the project in Belize with the Kekchi peoples. Also to say how blessed of a life I have had in Colorado.

Praxis, praxis is what I will live by for the rest of my life unless I take a horribly wrong turn. Praxis is a way of being honest and practical in this world, it is theorizing, acting on theory practically, reflecting and evaluating the actions taken, critically evaluating yourself and continuing this process. In this way I will benefit the Kekchis in their villages as well as teaching them to become critical thinkers (if the circumstances are appropriate). This allows for an adaptable mind frame instead of static thoughts and beliefs.

Goodbye U.S.A!!!
It is time to leave my homeland. I grew up in Golden, Colorado which in my opinion is heaven on earth. It is where I was raised and still is my home and always will be. It is where I got love and got in trouble, where I learned so many lessons from my parents, my auntie and brother, where my mother made sure I had lunch everyday before school, where I learned so many lessons on how to be a good responsible man from my father who always was there to support me as a coach and mentor, where my mom and I fought many times when I was a teen but which always ended with her giving me love and saying sorry which taught me how to forgive and let go of anger, where I played and grew with my little brother who now is a better and more grown man more so than I ever was at his age (maybe even now), where I watched movies with my auntie and who taught me to be a critical and strong person, where I was spoiled by my grandparents who always gave me more then enough love, and to my late grandma Lee whos example of an intense love for the Rocky Mountains, God and dogs has had a tremendous influence on me and more so on my mom, which I know my brother and I will carry on, and last to my whole family who have always supported me, who have always loved me even when I do the most iresponsible of things, we always have been tight and a very loving family, exciting and always concerned for the actions we take. To everyone that has influenced my life growing up I owe it all to you and will miss everyone.

Also a goodbye to my new family of nearly 3 1/2 years the Lowes. I will miss everyone especially the energy of the kids and the parties in the cabin, fishing with Mike, and hugs and advice from Lisa, also to my new grandmas who I love a lot. I promise to take care of Andra and give her all of my love. We are partners and will feed off one another equally this trip and for the eternity of the future.

With all my love

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