
Friday, April 8, 2011

My contribution to the first report

Brian beat me to the computer and gave you a little update about what we are doing but I wanted to add my thoughts about all that we have experienced so far especially while we are lucky enough to have access to the internet!
This past week has been full of amazing experiences. Some that struck me as amazing right away and some that I didn't recognize as profound but are are beginning to, and as time goes by will continue to reveal themselves to me as really important aspects of this adventure.
El Zopilote was a perfect place to start all of this as it gave us a homebase, an accomodation we already reserved and something concrete. We had great compost latrines, beatiful outdoor showers, and delicious handmade bread and peanut butter and even pizza for out enjoyment. It was great to meet and talk to other adventures who are doing different things and hearing of their stories, to volunteer in the garden, to get accostomed the weather and such. It was starting to become a comfortable place to be is a place I will always remember. Now it is time to venture out, break out of comfort zones once more and experience other sides of Nicaragua and Central America. I can't believe a week has gone by and I also can't believe it has only been one week!
Until Next Time


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