
Friday, December 10, 2010

Thursday and Friday Promotions in Kalamazoo and South Bend

These past two days Andra and I have been venturing out to promote IICDs open house on January 22nd and our programs in Kalamazoo, MI and South Bend, IN. The areas we focused on were the university's, libraries and local businesses.

The first day we went to Kalamazoo, it was a gorgeous city with three universities literally right next to each other. The biggest of the three is Western Michigan University and we spent nearly 2 hours around the campus posting at all the various kiosks outside and a little inside the building, but those weren't the prime spots. It was kind of miserable because it was below freezing and also because Andra gets below freezing around 60F and she's not a happy camper when she's cold at all haha.

I think one of the highlights was going to a local all Spanish shop and using the very little Espanol I know to ask "Donde esta la Biblioteque (Library)." Very gratifying. After that we posted nearly half the material in a local giant community college, there was nearly a board to post on every twenty feet.

Today was amazing as well. South Bend is a beautiful city but a bit banky and suity if you know what I mean. But even though it was mula snob heaven there was some sincere looking places we went into to talk with the employees and post our materials. A few coffee shops , some restaurants and a little Irish bookstore in which we purchased a few old cheap books mostly which discussed the theories of Herr Charlie Marx.

The highlight though was going to Notre Dame University, my god it was so beautiful it nearly made me want to go to church again!!! We spent nearly three hours promoting in all the buildings, site seeing and taking pictures (which should be up). At one point we walked into what seemed to be the mother ship of all the structures, with gorgeous gothic architecture with a giant gold dome and a golden maiden mounted on the nipple of the golden breast. Inside there was a celebration, not sure what it was for. When we walked in there was murals on the walls depicting the savior and godfather of all humanity, Christopher Columbus (no sarcasm of course). Singing rang through the halls "all blah blah to the mountain over the hills and everywhere!" It was beautiful, it was a choir on the third floor of the innards of this mother ship. We entered into the festivities immediately and savagely tore through the amazing, delicious pigs in the blanket, fried chicken, fresh veggies and cold punch. We were starving to say the least. Then we went up the stairs, more food! Then up one more flight to the angels who bellowed out to the heavens! And guess what MORE FOOD!

It was a truly amazing day, I should say more but I'm very tired and need sleep. So until next time, solidarity towards all and to all a good night.

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