
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Starting the Adventure!

Last summer (2009) Brian and I decided we wanted to travel. We weren't sure where or when exactly, or even what kind of travel we wanted to do. So we began looking into different programs and decided we wanted more of a volunteer service work type trip. We began looking into different programs and options that were out there but everything was so expensive for a very short amount of time. Being poor college students and wanting to really make a change, we were determined to find something that would allow us to the most for our money.

I had looked into IICD a while ago when I was feeling the travel itch but had decided that at that point in my life I wasn't quite ready to sign on to such a major committment. It came to mind as Brian and I were looking into various programs and the two of us began looking more and more into it. We automatically became interested in the Fight Poverty program they had and started talking to our contact weekly, if not more.

It was a process just to figure out what country we wanted to go to and how long it would take us to raise the money but we finally made the commitment and sent in our $300 each to secure our spots in the January Belize team!

We were both lucky enough to recieve a 50% scholarship and in turn, will be heading to Michigan at the end of October to volunteer for two months in order to help pay off our scholarship. So, on October 25th, 2010, we will arrive at IICD in Dowagiac, MI to begin our 12 month long adventure!!

This concludes my first post of my first blog, and the beginning or our adventure to Belize!

Below is a link to the IICD website if you want more info about what we are doing!

Paz! Adios!

Andra and Brian

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